Crime and Thriller Author
I have started writing a new series for SEVERN HOUSE Publishers called CAUTIONARY TALES. The first book in the series is called WICKED JENNY and will be published in January 2025, while book 2 is called THE BOX and should be published early in 2026. These books are horror/crime thrillers. Watch out for the cover image and blurb for Wicked Jenny appearing here soon.
I will be turning out more KORVIX the axe-warrior and other Sword & Sorcery Tales. I have a new Korvix tale called Black Rain, Grey Snow and Red Death soon to be published in SAVAGE REALMS MONTHLY.
Fans of Joe Hunter, do not despair. You can't keep a good man down. Hopefully I will have some good news for you all concerning Joe Hunter's ongoing adventures later this year.
OUT 2nd July
All angels are not goodness and light. In fact . . . they're some of the most murderous creatures you'll ever come across
Former detective Nate Freeman just wants to be left alone as he recovers from the case that ended his career two years ago. As a child, he and his brother Will were saved from a religious fanatic compound in the US and brought to the UK. Now, as an adult, Nate has no idea where Will, or any of the other surviving 'Children of Hamor' are, until they suddenly start turning up dead - minus some skin . . .
When his old boss DCI Openshaw asks him to assist in finding the serial killer who is hell bent on collecting the symbols so brutally branded onto the children's backs in the name of Berith - the Fallen Angel, Nate finds himself conflicted. As one of 'the promised' Nate is in mortal danger, and as the case builds momentum Will becomes the prime suspect. It's an intense race against time for Nate to uncover the identity of the 'angelic' serial killer and save his own skin in the process!
Out 2nd July 2024 in eBook and hardback .
New Blog Added, with short stories
If you check out the new Blog page, you'll find that I will be periodically adding some of my short fiction stories —spanning the many genres that I write in—some of which are now out of print elsewhere. I hope you enjoy these extras and keep checking back for more.
All these stories are copyrighted to Matt Hilton, but I'm happy for you to link to and share them (but not to sell them for a profit).